Lecture Notes and Examples

Unit Testing and Code Coverage

This lecture note presents an introduction to unit testing in Java using the JUnit framework and generating test coverage report. We’ll go through an example of how to use a CI service (circleCI) with a version control service (GitHub) to automate the process of building, testing your software, and generating coverage report.

Last modified on Saturday, Jan 7, 2023

Continuous Integration (CI)

This lecture note will guide you through everything you need to know about continuous integration (CI). We’ll go through an example of how to use a CI service (circleCI) with a version control service (GitHub) to automate the process of building, testing, and generating code coverage reports.

Last modified on Friday, Jan 6, 2023

Working with Databases in Java

This lecture note discusses how to connect your Java application to a database and be able to perform CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete).

Last modified on Monday, Jan 23, 2023

Working with APIs in Java

This lecture presents an introduction to REST APIs and how to consume an API in the Java programming language.

Last modified on Tuesday, Jan 24, 2023

Working With Frameworks in Java: The Spring Framework

This is an introduction to the Spring framework and writing REST APIs using Spring Boot.

Last modified on Tuesday, Feb 7, 2023

Git and GitHub Workshop at KAU

Last modified on Sunday, Jan 22, 2023