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This webpage contains a list of useful tools and resources you may need in web development.

IDE and Text Editors

You’ll need an IDE or a text editor to manage all the code you write. Below is a list of widely used IDE and text editors:

  • Visual Studio Code (VS Code) an excellent code editor for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
  • For Java, you may use a text editor with a plugin or an IDE. If you prefer to use an IDE, there’re many options:
    • IntelliJ IDEA: The community edition can be downloaded for free. IDEA is a widely popular IDE for Java development and is the recommended IDE for this course.
    • Eclipse: Free and open source IDE.
    • Apache NetBeans: Free and open source IDE.

Dependency Management Tools

A dependency management tool is used to manage downloading, updating any code library or package that is used by your project. Dependency management tools enable developers to declare, resolve, download, share, and update 3rd-party libraries used by their applications in an automated fashion. There’re many options

  • Apache Maven is a dependency management and build automation tool used primarily for Java projects.
  • Gradle is a build system and package manager for Java, Android, and JVM languages.
  • All major programming languages have their own dependency management tools. For example, pip for Python, npm for JavaScript, composer for PHP, and RubyGems for Ruby.


Code linting or linter is a tool that analyzes the source code and flags problematic patterns or stylistic errors in the source code. A linter helps developers adheres to a coding standard